Our offices will be closed from 13:00 on Friday 24th December and re-opening 08:30 Tuesday 4th January 2022.
- Offices will be closed and unable to accept deliveries or visitors.
- Telephone lines 01983 521621 will still be manned 24hours a day by human operators who will be pleased to take your call.
- An Emergency Engineer will be available and on call 24 hours a day throughout the entire shut down period. They will be able to provide telephone support, remote diagnostics where fitted and respond to emergency works. Please call our switchboard number and request a call from the on-call duty engineer. Please look after them whilst they work so you can enjoy your holiday.
- We would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very well deserved peaceful and safe break with your families and friends. Whatever your plans may be, please keep safe and here’s to a more optimistic, safer and more secure 2022.